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Monday, 19 March 2012

Springing back

Confession time. I've rejoined the gym.

While this could create a horrifying image of me in shorts and a vest, rest easy. I'm always sensibly presented when working out.
Arms are more or less covered. Shorts are of regulation length (not below knees, not too high above the thigh). Trainers are suitably subtle.

I also swear I'm not a gym 'grunter'. While there's nothing wrong with showing effort and enthusiasm, I'm not a big fan of the loud shouts of strength that you hear. See also clapping, strutting and repeating slogans: 'Feel the burn. Be the muscle. Master the grunt.'

Today's sunshine has certainly brought a sense of spring to my outlook. I feel full of energy again. We've cracked a couple of wedding things and spent the evening looking at honeymoon bits.

It has been a productive day. In fact I've been a bit of a kitchen wonder today. Dinners for the week done. A couple of evening meals sorted.

While this may not sound much, I was the bloke who was fairly dangerous to be around, only in the kitchen you understand.

I would go into more details here but, I fear, my dad is reading this. Ah well.

Still more to do. Time is ticking on.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Hello again

I wish I had an exciting reason for not blogging for the past couple of weeks.

I'd thought about making things up* but I did make a promise to myself that everything I blogged would be honest. So here goes.

I had a day off and all was going swimmingly until I tried to spend some time on Monty. Looking back on it, the balancing went well-ish.

In my head, and in the heat of the moment, it was a disaster.

I swore. I shouted. I actually threw a bike lock on the floor.

It was a full on toddler-style tantrum.

Now, I'm not proud of it but, for anyone watching, it would have been a hoot. A fully grown man going mad at an inanimate object (sorry Monty).

It was after that I decided I needed a wee bit of a break from things and the blog needed to take a bit of a break.

I'm feeling better now, thanks for asking.

Since my last blog, I've really been doing much of the same. OK, it doesn't make great reading but I'm persevering with the stairs, plodding on with the wedding plans, celebrating the WTB's birthday and thinking about cycling quite a lot.

Over thinking has often been a problem for me. It could be the thing here too. I understand the balancing aspect and how the pedals propel you forward, it's just the getting started bit.

Anyway, that's me for now. Normal service will be resumed soon.

* Ideas for lack of blog:

  • Kidnapped by damned dirty apes
  • Taking part in a coup in Cornwall
  • Forming a superhero team to fight a giant robot dragon
  • Interviewing for the England rugby post
  • Running a cable TV channel dedicated to proper crimping
  • Working on my rap album