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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Just my type

As much as the WTB gets obsessed with interiors, I get quite intense when it comes to words, fonts and everything typographical.

So. The wedding invites.

They've got to have the right colour and tone (especially for the WTB) and the font needed to be just right (for both of us).

So. This has taken a bit of time.

Tonight I think we've finally cracked it.

I am carrying slightly less hair than when we started. The ever-growing forehead has a few fresh wrinkles. My eyes are a wee bit sore.

But yes, I think they're ready... ish.

There are a few bits to do on them but there's almost a tick in the 'invite' box.

We're determined to get more things done this weekend. With that and more time on Monty it's going to be packed.

Lovely stuff.


  1. Replies
    1. Hello! Monty is my bike...
      A pic of her, and her friend Diana can be found on the post called Balancing Act
