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Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Big bonce

I've got a big head.

Scratch that.

I have a huge head.

I have a huge head and that has always been the way.

When I was eight I joined the Cubs. My mum, ever the stickler for being smart and wearing the correct uniform, made me wear the whole get-up.
For those who don't know, this consisted of:
Socks and tabs (I think they're known as garters and I was the only boy in the pack to wear them. They were phased out soon after. Probably banned for just being that bit too cruel).
Cub cap (another item given the axe)

The cap was kinda cool in a geek chic crossed with public school sort of way. I say kinda as mine was special.
I took an XXXL and we had to order the thing in.

Even then, the bloody cap didn't fit. It just sat there, drawing attention to the boy with the head that looked normal but was, in fact, huge.

So yes, I've a bad history with hats.

Into my adult years I thought I was through this phase but, alas, I didn't think of the bike helmet I'd have to buy when I started my grand plan.

To say the range has been limited may be an understatement. Most, like the caps, just sat there on my noggin, echoing the ghosts of flat caps, baseball caps and wooly hats that have gone before.

Luckily, I found one that was subtle, suited me and was as discrete as I could ever need.

The Nutcase 'Union Jack' is my choice. Yes, I could have gone for quieter colours but at least I'll be seen.

I have to ride. It'll help my health and keep me focused on fitness before the wedding.

So, helmet done, bike ready, all I need to do is ride.

Oh and I must buy some comfy, padded pants. Just how can you last more than 30 seconds on a saddle?

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