I have a Diana camera I call Vickers.
Our mint plant is called Murray.
Our thyme is called Chico.
I even make the WTB name things. Her Dawes bike we Christened Diana.
So, my bike. What should I call it?
It's a Mongoose, kindly donated by my eldest brother. It's black with red writing. As it's a Mongoose I was tempted by Riki-Tiki-Tavi but that's a bit long. Instead I've gone for Monty. She is called Monty.
Monty is a python and mongooses fight snakes so there's a link, of sorts.
The countdown has begun until I get back in the saddle. I've spent some time looking at various blogs and accounts of people learning to ride at an advanced age. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this.
It's one of those situations where the more you learn, the more you realise how little you know
I've bought a cycling magazine, which I will be cribbing from so I can actually sound like I know something. Although a singular magazine won't help that much, it is a start.
My dad's motto is: Bullshit Baffles Brains. It's something I try and stick by and I know it'll come in useful when I start talking cycling to people. He uses the term shacklegribbler a lot. I may adopt it.
I've also checked out Bike Hub - it's rather nifty as it can help you plan routes around the area depending on what kind of experience you have or how far you can get there.
As you can tell, I'm taking this seriously. It's something I'd love to get sorted so I can get the miles in before the wedding in September.
I know that, to start, I'm going to fall off. I will fall off a lot. I know I'll probably cut myself. All I can do is keep getting back on until I get that balance.
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