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Monday, 9 January 2012

Last orders

There it is. The final day completed.  One week of cabbage soup ended in a flourish with the addition of brown rice.

Brown rice and flourish are rarely used in a sentence. In fact, I'd imagine this would be the only time. But, after 11 portions of the same soup in seven days, a very limited menu and no pudding, brown rice made me, dare I say it, a wee bit excited?

Excited. There's another word never paired with brown rice.

Anyway, this morning started with hearty glass of grapefruit juice. That was all. Not the greatest start to the morning I grant you. You couldn't compare it to the steak but, as I've really missed the fruit, it's in a different league to cucumber and peppers.

I didn't only celebrate with the rice. This morning I went to Costa and had a black Americano. My word, what a delight. Gave me a caffeine boost for about an hour I reckon.

So how do I feel after this diet switch? Healthier? Slimmer? Do I have a glossy coat? No, yes and maybe. About six pounds have gone from my weight which is quite amazing. Although I'm sure I couldn't last any longer than a week. And I wouldn't suggest anyone else try it for more than seven days.

I have lost weight which was, after all is said and done, the main reason to start this diet and this blog. The trick is now to keep it off. A fresh challenge for both of us. We're moving to a low GI diet from here on out. A colleague has given me recipes he's used successfully and I will be upping the exercise to go with it.

For now, the brown rice will finish off the day and the diet. How I feel tomorrow will probably be exactly the same as today, but at least I've made a start on things. I've a wedding weight in mind and I'm going to go for it.

These things, as the cliche goes, start with the smallest step. This step's pretty small but it's rather important.


  1. Antony Worrall Thompson has a good book on low GI food...

    Step 1:- steal all the ingredients...

    Seriously though he does have a good book, although I wouldn't recommend buying it, probably best to steal it off the internet, see how he likes it.

    Keep up the blog, strangely enjoying it, I'm not usually a blog reader, it must be your quality of writing that has me entranced and amused.

    1. Hi Rob

      Thanks for the message and apologies it has taken a bloody age to reply. Just to say thanks for your message and hope all's good with you!
